.. mashing-pumpkins documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Jan 23 15:17:43 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. mashing-pumpkins : m(in|ax)hash =============================== Flexible-yet-pretty-fast minhashing-related library for Python >= 3.5. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/lgautier/mashing-pumpkins.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/lgautier/mashing-pumpkins .. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/mashing-pumpkins.svg :target: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/mashing-pumpkins.svg About ----- This package is a library to perform top and bottom sketches, or min-hash / max-hash sketches for sequences of bytes, using fixed-length subsets as the candidate components of the sketch. The design of this package aims at making experimentations with such sketches easy to perform while conserving a reasonable performance profile. At the time of writing it has a very competitive performance profile both in runtime and memory usage when compared to alternatives. Why Minhash sketches ? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Bottom-sketches (Minhash sketches) are samples of the elements present in a set. In the context of genomics, this can mean the k-mers present in a genome, or in the reads from a sequencing assay, and they have been shown to be useful to measure similarity between genomes[1]. Sampling subsequences from genome sequences or sequence assays has also been demonstrated to be a very efficient approach to identify DNA sequences of unknown origin[2], both in terms of accuracy and in terms of usage of bandwidth. This is making such sketches interesting tools for the analysis of NGS data, with several implementations already available[1,3] 1. `MASH`_ (Mash: fast genome and metagenome distance estimation using MinHash. Ondov BD, Treangen TJ, Melsted P, Mallonee AB, Bergman NH, Koren S, Phillippy AM. Genome Biol. 2016 Jun 20;17(1):132. doi: 10.1186/s13059-016-0997-x.) 2. `Tapir/DNAsnout`_ ([Gautier, Laurent, and Ole Lund. "Low-bandwidth and non-compute intensive remote identification of microbes from raw sequencing reads." PloS one 8.12 (2013): e83784.](http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0083784)) 3. `sourmash`_ .. _MASH: https://github.com/marbl/Mash .. _Tapir/DNAsnout: https://bitbucket.org/lgautier/dnasnout-client .. _sourmash: https://github.com/dib-lab/sourmash Why this implementation ? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The purpose of this implementation is to provide a library design that is combining flexibility and expressivity with performance (speed and memory usage). Design """""" The design is allowing us to implement with a relatively short code base: - the use different hash functions (MurmurHash3, XXHash), and with user-specified seeds - Minhash and Maxhash sketches - "Count sketches" - Demonstrate quickly the comparative efficiency of alternative hashing strategies for double-stranded genomes (see - https://github.com/marbl/Mash/issues/45#issuecomment-274665746) Performance """"""""""" The implementation also happens to be pretty fast, making it a reasonable option as a building block for minhash-related research and prototypes. At the time of writing it is able to build a minhash sketch (k=31, size=1000) for a FASTQ file with ~21M reads (700MB when gzip-compressed) on a laptop[*] in under 1'30". .. code-block:: bash $ python -m mashingpumpkins.demo.cmdline --parser=fastqandfurious --ncpu=3 DRR065801.fastq.gz Processing DRR065801.fastq.gz as a FASTQ file... 20853697 records in 1m20s (9.43 MB/s) (*: ASUS ultrabook, dual-core with hyperthreading, running Linux - adding more cores to the task on more powerful hardware should make it faster) Installation ------------ The package released under an MIT license. It contains code for the following hashing functions: - MurmurHash3 (public domain - author: Austin Appleby) - XXHash (BSD-2 license - author: Yann Collet) Released versions are on the Python package index (pypi) and can installed with `pip`. .. code-block:: bash pip install mashing-pumpkins To install the master on github: .. code-block:: bash # master on github pip install git+https://https://github.com/lgautier/mashing-pumpkins.git ``` .. note:: A C/C++ compiler as well the Python development headers will be required. The C compiler should accept the flag `-std=c99`. .. warning: This was package was designed for Python 3.5, and is tested on both Python 3.5 and 3.6. Earlier versions of Python are not expected to work. The installation can be tested with: .. code-block:: bash python -m pytest --pyargs mashingpumpkins or: .. code-block:: bash python -m pytest --cov=mashingpumpkins ---cov-report term Usage ----- While this is primarily a Python libray, there is demo command line: ```bash python -m mashingpumpkins.demo.cmdline ``` .. note:: This requires the Python package :mod:`sourmash` (its dev version in `master`) Sketches -------- A bottom-sketch of maximum size `maxsize` is a sample of the elements in a set such as only the `maxsize` smallest hash values for all elements are selected (or `maxsize` highest hash values if a top sketch). Here the elements are the sub-sequences of length `nsize` in one or a collection of input sequences. For example, building a bottom sketch just as done by MASH and sourmash can be written in few lines: .. code-block:: python # import parts needed from mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch import MinSketch from mashingpumpkins.sourmash import mash_hashfun, DEFAULT_SEED # create a min-sketch nsize = 31 maxsize = 1000 mhs = MinSketch(nsize, maxsize, mash_hashfun, DEFAULT_SEED) # add a sequence sequence_a = b'AATACCAAGACAGAGACAGACCCAGACAGATGACGAT' mhs.add(sequence_a) # add an other sequence sequence_b = b'TTAGCGTAGGGTGCCGATAGGGATAGGGACCCGAATGGGAGGAGAAAAG' mhs.add(sequence_b) If after a top-sketch, there is a class for this. .. code-block:: python # import parts needed from mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch import MaxSketch Composability ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Top and bottom sketches have interesting composability properties, which we represent by letting them be "added" to one another. That property can be useful for parallelization (See :ref:`parallel`). .. code-block:: python # sketch for sequencea mhs_a = MinSketch(nsize, maxsize, mash_hashfun, DEFAULT_SEED) mhs_a.add(sequence_a) # sketch for sequence_a mhs_b = MinSketch(nsize, maxsize, mash_hashfun, DEFAULT_SEED) mhs_a.add(sequence_b) # "add" the two sketches mhs_ab = mhs_a + mhs_b # remember our `mhs` above to which sequence_a and sequence_b # where added ? mhs_ab contains the same sketch. The methods are: - :meth:`mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch.MaxSketch.__add__` - :meth:`mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch.MaxSketch.__iadd__` - :meth:`mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch.MaxSketch.update` - :meth:`mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch.MinSketch.__add__` - :meth:`mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch.MinSketch.__iadd__` - :meth:`mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch.MinSketch.update` Freezing ^^^^^^^^ The classes :class:`mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch.MaxSketch` and :class:`mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch.MinSketch` are designed to build sketches, and to do so efficiently they contain data structures than may be not be necessary for further use. To highlight this usage pattern we have a method `freeze` (:meth:`mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch.MaxSketch.freeze` and :class:`mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch.MinSketch.freeze` respectively) that returns an instance of a class wrapping :class:`frozenset`. classes ^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch.MaxSketch :members: :exclude-members: add .. automethod:: mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch.MaxSketch.add(seq, hashbuffer=array) .. autoclass:: mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch.MinSketch :members: Hashing functions ----------------- The package first entry point to customization is to allow the use of different hashing function. Several proposed hashing function are included, but any Python function satisfying the required interface can be used. Hashing functions included ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autofunction:: mashingpumpkins.sourmash.mash_hashfun(sequence, nsize, buffer) .. automodule:: mashingpumpkins._murmurhash3 :members: .. automodule:: mashingpumpkins._murmurhash3_mash :members: .. automodule:: mashingpumpkins._xxhash :members: Extending the base classes -------------------------- The sketch is a set of hash values. This means that each hash value is represented only once. However, it might be intersting to count the number of times a hash value is seen in the input data. This can be achieved relatively easily by extending one of the base sketch classes. More precisely, by overriding the methods :meth:`__init__`, :meth:`_anynew`, :meth:`_replace`, :meth:`freeze`, and :meth:`update`. Each one of these method contain very little code, and the design made to allow this function to only implement additional operations (the methods call the parent class' method, and the added part concern the update of a :class:`collections.Counter` to keep track of the number of times a hash values has been seen so far). The handling of counting is gathered in the class :class:`mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch.CountTrait` and is used by :class:`mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch.MaxCountSketch` and :class:`mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch.MinCountSketch`. The expected benefit is too allow exploration in child classes or other additional structures while keeping the core classes relatively lean. .. autoclass:: mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch.CountTrait :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :private-members: :special-members: :exclude-members: __module__, __dict__, __weakref__ .. autoclass:: mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch.MaxCountSketch :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :private-members: :special-members: :exclude-members: __module__ .. autoclass:: mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch.MinCountSketch :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :private-members: :special-members: :exclude-members: __module__ .. _parallel: Parallelization utilities ------------------------- This module suggests primitives to write code performing parallel computation. For example using :mod:`multiprocessing` to build in parallel a sketch for a list of large sequences (e.g., the chromosomes in a genome): .. code-block:: python import multiprocessing from mashingpumpkins.minhashsketch import MinSketch from mashingpumpkins.sourmash import mash_hashfun, DEFAULT_SEED from mashingpumpkins import parallel ncpu = 4 ksize = 31 maxsize = 1000 # create child processes p = multiprocessing.Pool(ncpu, initializer=parallel.Sketch.initializer, initargs=(MinSketch, ksize, maxsize, mash_hashfun, DEFAULT_SEED)) # map the list of sequences result = p.imap_unordered(Sketch.map_sequence, sequences) # reduce into a result sketch mhs = reduce(Sketch.reduce, result, MinHash(ksize, maxsize, mash_hashfun, DEFAULT_SEED)) # finalize the child processes p.finalize() .. automodule:: mashingpumpkins.parallel :members: Misc. utilities --------------- .. automodule:: mashingpumpkins.sequence :members: Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`